Learn, build, and connect with people bootstrapping Indigenous Internet networks.


Be sure to check out our virtual events!

tribal resource center

The Tribal Resource Center (TRC), which helps put on the bootcamps, is a Native American-led organization dedicated to offering trustworthy guidance for tribal communities seeking greater access and benefits of broadband. Check out TRC’s website for an extensive hub of resources including technical guidance, legal and policy resources, case studies and business models, and much more. Get plugged into TRC’s community of Indigenous Broadband practitioners and contact the Help Desk if you have any questions or would like to speak to a professional regarding your broadband project.

Visit Tribal Resource Center’s website here.

tribal broadband bootcamp discord channel

With the bootcamps, we aim to create a human network of folks working on broadband in Indian Country. Stay in touch with the Bootcamp community through our active Discord channel, which you’ll be invited to after attending a bootcamp.

tribal broadband bootcamp booklets

At each bootcamp, participants are given resource notebooks containing technical, policy, and digital inclusion resources, as well as information about the bootcamp, host, and participants. A PDF version of the latest TBB booklet is linked below.

Booklet from TBB 10, Tohono O’odham Utility Authority (January 2024)