Learn, build, and connect with people bootstrapping Indigenous Internet networks.

Interested in Attending?

If you are interested in attending one of the upcoming Tribal Broadband Bootcamps, please fill out the inquiry form below. Full travel and lodging support is available. All meals during the bootcamp are covered.

Once you receive an invitation to attend the bootcamp, please complete the registration form that will be sent to you over email. Feel free to reach out to us at info@tribalbroadbandbootcamp.org if you have any questions about the bootcamp or travel support. Cost should not be the reason anyone decides not to participate.

The Tribal Broadband Bootcamps are made possible with support from each host, as well as from the Institute for Local Self-Reliance, Calix, Merit, Michelson 20MM Foundation, Network Startup Resource Center, Tribal Resource Center, and others.

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor for these bootcamps, we’re excited to hear from you! Please reach out using the following form.

Also be sure to check out our virtual events!

Our next Tribal Broadband Bootcamp is Nov 19-21 in the Spokane region, hosted by the Inland Pacific Northwest Tribal Broadband Coalition.

Find our inquiry form below.